Swanwick Lions in Action
2022 - 2023
11th June 2023 - Swanwick Lions guests at the District 105SC Fun Day at Marwell Zoo
2020 - 2021
23rd May 2021 Presentation of Gift vouchers and Certificates to winners of the On-Line Picture Competition
April 2021 - Appreciation Certificate presentation to Brook Lane Surgery Vaccine Volunteers
December 2020 - Santa and his sleigh in full swing
December 2020 - Santa and his sleigh visited Warsash resident delivering Mince Pies, Chocolates and Christmas Cards in conjunction with Warsash Community Support and assisted by the Mayor of Fareham
November 2020 - another Cleanup Day
Numerous Food bank donations
October 2020 - Club Roast & Raffle

September 2020 - supporting Mc Coast Cleanup Day
August 2020 - Checking the Defibrillator which we presented to the Locks Heath Centre many years ago.
A selection of photographs from the past
November 19th 2018 - Presentation of new Fridge to 1st Sarisbury Green Scouts.
Our President Marian Rose, and other members, Vic Smith, Kate Scott and Net Cooper officially handed the fridge over to Scout Leaders Toby, and Carol.
Lions Day 3rd June 2012 - picnic lunch for local senior residents-
at the Burridge Village Queens Diamond Jubilee Big Lunch:-
January 2012 - Past President Ivor Dugdale- Jenkins and Fund raising Chair Helen Mitchell
present our £2,000 cheque to the Rainbow Centre
March 2012 - Tree planting at Manor Farm Country Park
January 2011 - Lion President (2010-2011) Fred Mitchell, presents our £2,000 cheque
to the Countess Mountbatten Hospice.
Duck Race August Bank holiday Monday 2010
and splash!!!- down go 2,500 yellow plastic ducks!!!
25th June 2010- Parachute Jump in aid of Hampshire & Isle of Wight Air Ambulance
13th June 2009 - Presentation of Cheque to the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
by Lion President Barry Woolcott
The 5000 presentation team!!!
Local elderly residents enjoying Lions Day - Sunday 7th June 200 
4th June 2008 - Presentation of Cheque for £2000 to Smile4Rich campaign
by Lion President (07/08) Vic Smith.
Burns Supper - 19th January 2009 at Fairthorne Manor Golf Club.
December 2007 -Santa & his Sleigh
Craft Fair November 24th 2007 at the Lockwood Centre
Changeover of Club Officers 14th July 2007 at Fairthorne Manor Golf Club
Lions Micky Turner and Alan Ketchell were awarded the prestigious Lions International Melvin Jones Fellowship, for services to the Community and Lionism over many years.
21st June 2007 - Presentation of Cheque for £200 to Prof Lotery
for the 'Gift of Sight' Eye Research Centre, Southampton General Hospital
Sarisbury Green Fete- June 2007
The 'Human One-armed Bandit' in action The Lions BBQ..
The 'Human One-armed Bandit' in action The Lions BBQ..
SighFirst II event -Lockswood Shopping Centre- May 26th 2007
with Swanwick Lions "EYE" and collecting tubes
Supported by the Birnie Boozle Band...........
(PS the background posters are part of the Co-op window display- they don't refer to the band!!!!!!)
Crofton Lions St Georges Day Fete April 2007
Lion Alan Ketchell explains Sighfirst II to the Mayor of Fareham and his wife..